OneThing [29Dec10]
“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;” – Isaiah 1:18
Isaiah opens his book with a cry against the offenses of Israel. Though God had been gracious to them and raised them as His own child, they turned away from Him. Stupidly, they ignored God and refused to answer His voice, but turned to idols instead. Later, Isaiah lists some of the sins of Israel and says that God should not forgive them.
Indeed, there is nothing in man that is deserving of forgiveness. Nothing in him merits grace. But God is abounding in loving kindness (hesed). In this passage, God offers an opportunity to the Israelites for a reasoning. Even though, He is not obligated in any way, the LORD chose to invite Israel to a conversation. Even more than that, He promises that the result will be the forgiveness of their sins!
This passage is a great example of the loving mercy of God. He extended mercy to the rebellious Israelites. In fact, today, the same invitation and promise is offered to all nations. This great promise has been open for the Gentiles. Praise God for His grace!